Saturday, April 26, 2014

Oiralinde Preschool

I have enjoyed doing a boxed preschool with my three year old daughter this past year. We read books together and did a craft each day. It was minimal effort and work because the curriculum had everything spelled out for me and the materials ready for me ahead of time. It was a great purchase at the time because I was working most evenings and I was also pregnant.

For this upcoming year I wanted to do it myself because of price and being able to make it completely geared for my child. What is so much fun with the three/four year old age group is their LOVE of reading books. I could read books with my daughter all day long, and I am going to use that love of books in my curriculum.  She also loves anything crafty or hands on, so we will do tons of that as well.  This is a VERY low pressure "school" for her. Since she has an older brother, she likes to do school with us, so this is a way to keep it age-appropriate, fun, and still filled with things to learn. I  have no goals for her except to start to love learning. If she learns some letters, even better but it is not a necessity.

What I am doing for you, my readers, is putting the curriculum I am writing online FOR FREE for you to use, if you desire. Each week I will update you with pictures, tips, ideas, math activities, science labs, art projects, Bible and Catholic ideas, a book list, and a list of materials needed for the projects. I will also link to the Pinterest board I am using that week so that you can easily get the directions to activities I borrow from other places.

Both my daughter and I are excited to start this journey together and we hope you will enjoy it as well. We expect to start this curriculum in July, so we will see you then!

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