Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year, New Business

I am very excited to announce that I have started a new business selling the wonderful products at Usborne Books & More.  I made this decision for a number of reasons.

  1. My kids LOVE these books. They are some of their favorites.
  2. We use these books during homeschooling and I am constantly buying more.
  3. I want to share these great books with other people, because I found so much use for them. 
  4. They are not twaddle. They are quality books that are enriching my children's lives. Back to point #3- I want to share this with other people.
  5. I am developing literacy in my own children and in the people I meet. Smart books = smart kids!
 I am very excited to share these products with everyone.  I am doing home shows, Facebook and online shows, and I am going to fund raising events and craft shows too! I am trying to get the word out there that parents can buy quality books at reasonable prices that encourage kids to read, be creative, and develop critical thinking skills while having fun at the same time.

Please check out my website and if you want to book a party or buy something, please contact me! Thank you for all your support as I start this new venture. Your well wishes and encouragement means so much to me.

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