1. Schedule a quiet time.
Quiet time, in my house, is during the toddler's afternoon nap. The other kids can play outside, read a book, work on a craft, and occasionally I will let them use electronics. However, the big rule is that you DO NOT BOTHER MOMMY. This is my time. Recently I have been taking naps during this time. Sometimes I blog, read, cross-stitch... there are many way I recharge. The bottom line is schedule a time during the day that ALL kids are quiet. For us it is usually about two hours long. If they get electronic time, they do not get two hours on electronics, so they have learned to occupy their time quietly for me. My kids have tons of notebooks and they love to draw and write stories during quiet time.
2. Do not over-schedule your days.
I have learned to not have more than two things scheduled on a day or I wilt like a flower. Also, I can not have something scheduled every day in a week. It would kill me! I try to have a day or two as buffer days between crazy days so that we all can relax and catch a breather. I am quite sensitive to over-scheduling but I also like to be spontaneous with our days and just go out and have fun in public, if that is what we are feeling. I know, I am a complicated person, but that is why I am so careful about spacing out appointments and play dates.3. Be careful with co-ops.
Some co-ops can be highly stimulating while others can be more laid back. Make sure you try out a co-op before committing to it, or you may regret signing up for it. Look for something your family can enjoy, whether it is a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly co-op. We cannot handle a weekly co-op, nor could we handle a rigorous program. We found a co-op that is gentle on the kids and me as a mom with friends that understand my need as an introvert. I have never been judged and have only been greeted with friendship and love. I hope everyone can find a group like I have found.4. Keep one day a week a "do nothing" day to regenerate.

5. Take time out at the end of each day to regenerate.
This is so important! While working evenings, I come home tired and ready to pass out in bed. However, I have learned to take some time with my husband and recharge. We tend to put on some TV and I do a craft next to my husband and we talk. It is a simple end-of-day ritual that has made all the difference in my attitude.Check out more Tips for Homeschooling Parents by visiting more blogs on the Blog Hop!
Jennifer @ A Peace of Mind
Jennifer @ Faithful Homestead
Joelle @ homeschooling for His Glory
Joesette @ Learning Curve
Kari @ Random Acts of Boyhood
Katie @ Katie's Daily Life
Kemi @ Homemaking Organized
Kim @ Homestead Acres
Kylie @ Our Worldwide Classroom
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