Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Progeny Press Review

Progeny PressHere at All Saints Academy, we enjoy having literature based studies and Progeny Press's literature guides fit the bill so we were excited to receive The Bears on Hemlock Grove E-Guide to review.

What is a Progeny Press e-guide?

A Progeny Press e-guide is a literature study guide with a Christian perspective. It is a downloadable book written with the intent for the students to better understand the literature, enjoy the literature, understand the writing style and artistry, and help them think through the story while relying on scriptures to keep the student routed in the Truth. Progeny Press has e-guides for well-written literature and is continuing to add more guides each year.

In the Bears on Hemlock Grove study guide, it included a synopsis of the story, biographical information on the author, background-information, before-you-read activities, chapter guides and questions with an included answer key, mystery words, after-you-read activities, and suggestions for further reading. In the chapter sections there are vocabulary words, questions about the reading, references to Bible passages, and more.

Kaelyn, modeling the book we borrowed from the library.

How did we use it?

Because Kaelyn is a young second grader, she isn't a strong reader yet, so we used this as a read aloud book and we worked on the study guide together. She also isn't a strong writer, so instead of writing her answers down, we would do the questions verbally. I have never read this book, so it was nice to read a book I hadn't heard of before. I ended up learning along with Kaelyn, and it was nice to have that time together.

What did we think?

Kaelyn enjoyed the story. I think what made the study guide enjoyable were the questions. It wasn't sinply "what happened in this chapter" type of questions. For instance, the guide may have you read a verse from the Bible and then make connections to what you read. It also asks us how or why and character is acting or saying things.  Kaelyn liked the e-guide. Here is what she had to say about it:
I like how many animals were in the book. I also like that he had a frined that was younger than him and he liked to play with him. They were listening for animals and everything that took place in the book. Some of the questions were easy to answer but some of them were hard. Mommy helped me.
Bears on Hemlock Mountain, The - E-Guide

I enjoyed working with Kaelyn on this study guide. I didn't have to make any connections myself because the guide was so well written! You can get this e-guide online at Progeny Press for $11.99.

You can find Progeny Press on the following social media sites:

The Bears on Hemlock Grove was written for lower elementary students, but there are guides for students in upper elementary, junior high and senior high. You can read more reviews on either The Bears on Hemlock Mountain E-Guide, Charlotte’s Web E-Guide, The Silver Chair E-Guide, or Macbeth E-Guide by clicking on the icon below:

Study Guides for Literature {Progeny Press Reviews}

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