Wednesday, October 4, 2017

What not to eat

I have read quite a few books, articles, and studies, and they all have come to a consensus as to what foods should be avoided if you have Hashimoto's. Some should be cut out of your life forever, while others should be cut out for a few weeks and then gradually brought in to see if you have reactions to them. I am following that elimination approach and hopefully I will be able to bring some of these back into my life, after healing my gut properly. Most of these no-no foods can cause gut problems and a healthy gut is key to overall health.

1. Gluten

The main reason to stay away from gluten has nothing to do with gluten! The way wheat is harvested is the problem. Common protocol for wheat harvest is to dowse it in glyphosate a week before harvest in order to make the wheat die, which makes it go to seed which yields higher crops. What is glyphosate? Glyphosate is a pesticide in Round-Up. This chemical causes digestive issues similar to celiac disease as well as keeps us from being able to absorb proper nutrients like vitamin D, causes reproductive problems, and causes imbalances in the gut, among other problems. This is one of the biggest reasons many people say they are gluten-intolerant. It is the toxic chemicals farmers use in order to save money and increase profits.

2. Dairy

The proteins that are in cow's milk are different than proteins in human milk. Those with leaky gut might see these as foreign invader which will trigger the body to fight it. That means inflammation. This is an over-simplified explanation, so check out Dr. Wentz's better explanation. Also, apparently 60% of thyroid patients feel better going dairy-free. I would love to be able to add more dairy back in, but to be honest, I don't eat much of it these days anyway. I would miss cheese, but it isn't a deal-breaker.

3. Nightshades

Nightshades like tomatoes and peppers can damage intestinal lining, and aid in leaky gut syndrome and imflammation. Leaky gut is common with people who have autoimmune disease, so it is good to eliminate while helping your gut heal. I expect to be able to add these back in without much problem.

4. Legumes

Legumes can prohibit the absorption of nutrients and aid in leaky gut. This is another one I will eliminate for now and add in later, but eat in moderation as in occasional legumes, not a daily meal.

5. Soy

Soy is also sprayed with glyphosate... nuff said, but they also mimic estrogen and no one needs *more* estrogen in their body. Why put your hormones out of whack? 

6. Coffee

This one makes me so so sad. First, coffee is very acidic and can cause some pH imbalance in the gut. It also affects your insulin reaction, and Hashimoto's patients are usually insulin-sensitive. Caffein also boosts your stress hormone which puts your adrenals into crisis mode, which they are unfortunately in ALL THE TIME when you have Hashimoto's. (Adrenal fatigue is a real thing!) Coffee can also mess with your thyroid medications, not allowing it to be absorbed well. 

7. Sugar and Alcohol

Balancing blood sugar levels is critical when you have Hashimoto's. Blood sugar swings weaken the adrenals and cause spikes in thyroid antibodies. There was a study that found 50% of Hashimoto patients had carbohydrate sensitivities that made them unable to control the insulin spikes that would happen after eating a carb-heavy meal. This is taxing on the adrenals. The typical SAD (standard American diet) is carb heavy and loaded with sugar. Check out your low-fat foods. They add sugar when they take out fat!  Fat and protein is important to eat with carbs so that your body doesn't spike.

8. Eggs

Egg whites can permeate the gut lining and cause the immune system to attack the thyroid more. This isn't necessarily a no-no food, but I am going to limit my egg intake. I used to eat 3-4 eggs a day. For now I am not eating eggs, but I will add them back in at a reduced raite. I might eat 3-4 a week instead of a day.

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