Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Loved Beyond Life

I will always be His little girl and He will always be my Papa.
John 4:16 "We have come to know and to believe in the love God has for us.
God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him."
It seems I am one lucky girl.  I'm not the only one that God loves, but he loves me in a unique way.  Ever since I said yes to Him and His plans for me I have been feeling Him strongly in all aspects of my life.  I do not know His whole plan for me, but I know that I am doing what He desires right now.  I am following His lead.

First, let me praise God for what he has given us lately: an opportunity to make some extra money without compromising my desire to be a stay at home mom, the ability to refinance our house and reduce our mortgage payments (and in turn start saving money for the first time in four years!), two wonderful children who love each other intensely, a husband who stands up for me and my decisions, and beautiful weather to enjoy while at my in-law's cabin.  See.  I told you I am loved.

I followed a Bible in 90 days plan, and skimmed/read the entire Bible in 90 days.  Ok, it was mostly skimming, but I got through it all.  Now I want to do some serious Bible study / prayer time.  I want to bring the Rosary back.  Why do I let the most amazing prayer slip from my life?  Now that I have established a time for God in my daily life I must never make excuses. I want to show Jesus that I love Him too.

Every day when I put Kaelyn down for her nap I take 15 minutes or so to read/skim the Bible.  Now that I have finished the B90D, I want to focus on specific Catholic theology.  I want to pray the Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.  I want to read books written by the Pope (past and present).  I want to read about the lives of Saints.  I want to grow closer to God. I'm not sure where to start, but I'm going to just do it. God will lead me where He wants me.  He loves me beyond my life, so I know I am in good hands.


jrbeers717 said...

Start with James. Good practical advice that's as useful now as it was when it was written.

jrbeers717 said...

Start with the book of James. Good and still practical!

Shonda said...

Good job!