Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Novare Science & Math Review

Novare Science & Math
I want to introduce my readers to Novare Science & Math and their book, Science for Every Teacher. Novare's approach is Mastery, Integration, and Kingdom. With mastery, Novare is trying to get away from the cycle of cramming and forgetting. Instead, they have molded their curriculum into a learn and retain format. In order to aid the retention, they integrate science into many other skills in order to get away from compartmentalized learning. Lastly, Novare is a biblically based science curriculum that merges the science mind and the religious mind to see the world as God intended.

Science for Every Teacher is not a curriculum, but it is a great resource for teachers of kids in grades K-8. It explains scientific principles and help you understand the concepts before you go to teach your standard curriculum. Science for Every Teacher has fifteen chapters, ranging in topics from scientific methods, Newton's laws of motions, energy, electricity, and much more.  There are six appendices which help with conversions, notations, measurements, and more. You can see the table of contents online here. Each chapter starts with goals that tell you what you will read about in the chapter. There are colorful charts, diagrams, and pictures to help explain each concept. My favorite part is at the end of each chapter where they list "Ideas for Your Classroom." In m opinion, this is the best part of the book.
Novare Science for Every Teacher
The first chapter I read was Chapter 2: Scientific Methods. This summer Sebastian and I are working on a science experiment and I wanted some background information on how to start the experiment. Being a wife and mom of science lovers, I figured I had a decent science background and I wasn't sure what this book would do for me.  I was pleasantly surprised to read a great deal of information I forgot or didn't know about! I forgot about the concept of a blind experiment and we are going to use that in our experiment. A blind experiment is when the humans involved don't know whether they are in the control or variable group.

Appendix D was the most helpful for my son. It is Measurement Basics and explains how to properly measure things. It shows the correct and wrong way to use a ruler (honesty, I didn't even know there was a wrong way!) and how to measure liquids properly.

I have to veer away from the material and mention the paper this book is made from. The paper they used for this book is lovely. It is thick and smooth which makes the colors vibrant and the feel in your hands is delightful. I have a love of office supplies and this book passes with flying colors! Take a look inside this book to see how a chapter is set up and see the fun graphics for yourself here.

This book is invaluable to have in your homeschool arsenal, especially if you are intimidated by science. It is written in a way that helps you be successful teaching to your children whether you have a large science background or if you lack in the science department. With this book in hand, you will have the ability not only to understand what you are teaching, but also enjoy what you are teaching.
Other members of the crew reviewed some of the textbooks for Earth Science, Physics, and Chemistry. Please click the link in the graphic below to read these reviews!
Biblical Based Science {Novare Science & Math Reviews}

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