Saturday, September 1, 2018

September's Word: Renew

It has been a few months since I picked a word of the month. So much has happened this past summer and I let myself get away. It is time to refocus for the fall, and I thought RENEW would be a great word for a fresh start.

My goals for September are as follows:
  1. Read a spiritual book/ the Bible every day. 
    1. I will begin 33 Days to Morning Glory on September 4th, but I have Resisting Happiness to finish and I want to read The Story of the Bible and Walking with God to correlate with what the kids are doing in school. I would like to know more than them for once!
    2. I would also like to read the Gospel of the day every morning as my morning prayer and Lectio Divina. 
  2. Chores!
    1. I need to get back to regular chores and keep up with a clean and organized house. The kids will be doing their part as well. I pulled out my old chore chart, so we will start that this week.
  3. Wake up with the kids every day.
    1. It is SO so easy to sleep in, but I need to wake up with the kids. I can read my Mass readings while they eat breakfast and get a better jump on the day. Not only will this help me to focus on the day, but I won't waste any extra time, which should help me not be so cranky.
  4. Vitamins and supplements
    1. This isn't just for me. It is important not only for me and the baby to take my vitamins and supplements, but it is important for the kids to be taking theirs as well. We are headed into flu season and I want our bodies to be as ready as possible to fight off the winter illnesses that are bound to pop up.

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