Friday, May 25, 2012

Beautiful Prayers

It seems the right prayer or Bible verse will hit you when you need it the most.  We just finished our first year of homeschooling, and I am working on organizing next year.  As I have been working on a school name, mission statement, motto, etc. I came across some beautiful prayers I feel have hit me in the gut.  These are my new morning prayers.  How could I forget that Mary homeschooled Jesus?  She was a mommy like me and had stresses (more so than I could fathom) and she did it all with grace, hope, and joy. How could I forget this wonderful role model in my life? A role model that also talks to Jesus on my behalf.  I think it is time to dust off those rosary beads.  It has been too long...

Prayer for Homeschoolers 

Dear Lord, bless me in my decision to homeschool my children. Grant me the grace of peace and determination in this awesome endeavor. Lead me to the proper materials for the instruction each of my children, so that their individual talents and skills will be nurtured and they will grow in intelligence to the fullness of their abilities. Give me the strength to persevere when the weight of being teacher, mother, wife, and housekeeper seems too much to bear. Help me to maintain my household and family school, knowing that there will be times when one or both may seem to suffer, but confident that you will assist me in restoring harmony to both in good time. Allow me the contentment of heart and knowledge that the proper formation of my children's minds holds importance far above many of the callings of this world. Bestow on me courage to overcome the criticisms of those who disagree with me in this effort, keeping ever mindful that the growing of my children in knowledge and grace will be for your glory, and the trials I must endure are for my personal sanctification. Amen.

Prayer To Our Lady for Homeschooling Parents 

Blessed Mother, as you so humbly and graciously accepted God's will to bear and raise His only son, and to guide him in wisdom and virtue, help me in the instruction and education of my children. Pray to your Heavenly Son to grant me the grace and strength to assist in their learning, overcoming tiredness and discouragement. Assist me in the management of my home, so that I may be able to keep order and peace, despite the challenges of schooling within it. Intercede for me, imploring Our Heavenly Father to bestow upon me wisdom, not for my own sake, but so that I may form my children's minds and hearts, so that they may grow into strong adults, helping to shape the world for His glory, and ultimately inheriting the kingdom of heaven. Call upon your heavenly angels to stand by my side, with their great intelligence, to help me understand that which I am instructing, and assist my children in learning of same. We humbly ask this through you beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

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