Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sad Thanksgiving and SMAIP

 The lovely stomach bug is visiting our house.  It has been three weeks and it just seems to go around, and around, and around.  I'm over it!  The sad part is that we won't be able to visit any family on Thanksgiving for fear of giving these germs to everyone.  Luckily we are all starting to feel better, so even though we are quarantined, we are going to have a wonderful Thanksgiving.  As a last minute menu planning, I have crafted a five course feast for my family.  It will be delish.

 SMAIP = Send Me An Instant Photo.  Okay, well... don't send *me* an instant photo, send my friend, Lauren, an instant photo.

P.O. Box 154
Savage, MD 20763
United States

She has a great idea.  If you have an instant camera (not digital) like the Polaroids,  take a picture.  Of anything. Anywhere. Send it to her.  It is that simple.  You can check it out on her Facebook SMAIP Pageor you can check her SMAIP website.  She is getting photos from Norway, Florida, Ireland, Texas... the list goes on. 

If you don't have an instant camera (like me), check out her website anyway.  It's pretty cool. You can also check out her blog

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