Friday, January 22, 2016

Field Trip Friday #2: Nature Center

Earlier this month we went on our first field trip of 2016 to a local Nature Center. Luckily they have an indoor education building where we spent our time learning about habitats, ecosystems, wetlands, animals, and what the park is like in the winter. I told the kids we should come back in the spring to see how different everything would be like!

Where: Nature Center / Wetlands Habitat Area

Price: FREE!

Why: To study ecosystems and habitats (it was a field trip suggested by Sebastian's science curriculum)

Favorite part:  I liked where they had a craft set up to make owls and color winter pictures. The kids enjoyed crawling through the habitat hole and looking at the underground exhibit. I think my husband appreciated the bird station where we could watch birds swooping down at the lake and eating at the feeders. We spotted a couple Great blue herons!

Least Favorite part: It was cold so we didn't go on any of the trails. Next time!

Will we come again?  Definitely.  Since this is so close to our house I plan on bringing the kids back at least once during each season so they can see the changes over the year.

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