Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Storm Jonas

This past weekend we had the biggest storm I have ever seen!  We got over two feet of snow in this system and it dumped it all on us in about 30 hours. The record has been broken! It did not stop. It was beautiful. Playing in the snow up to their waists, kids have been busy outside since schools have been closed for the past two days. Even my husband hasn't had to go to work!  Here are some of the pictures I took to document this once-in-a-lifetime event.

Miles wanted to play outside all day, but while he was warming up he would perch on the couch, looking out.

Looking out our front door,

Our backyard is beautiful covered in the blanket of snow!

My tree looks stumpy!

6 foot man to reference how high the banks were.

Our street didn't get plowed for over 40 hours.
We were saved!
We kept busy inside with science experiments.

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